Praise God! My precious son, Noah Anthony Roman, is finally here! He was born Wednesday, June 28th, 2017, at 5:58 a.m. He came early just as I predicted. His original due date was July 22nd but then a C-section was scheduled for July 10th because he was in a breech position—his feet were down—and because I had to stay on my chemotherapy schedule.
And then my water broke! It was 1:38 a.m. Wednesday morning and we had just gone to sleep 20 minutes earlier when I felt a trickle of water unexpectedly flow out of me. I thought to myself, “how disgusting. I just peed on myself.” I went to the bathroom to investigate further but then the water continued to drain out and I knew something wasn’t right, so I called out to my hubby who immediately knew my water had broken. We were so tired and sleepy, one of us said, “Noah, not now. Mommy and Daddy want to sleep.” We called S., our doula, who confirmed my water had broken and that I was not peeing on myself and we should head to the hospital.
Hubby began to get dressed and gather our things for the hospital and suggested I call my mom, Noah’s sassy Nana, to let her know her 1st grandchild was on the way.
Me: “Mom? My water broke.”
Mom: “What? Your water heater broke!”
(This is even funnier when you consider that my husband is a licensed heating and air conditioning technician who also does plumbing for a living. If my water heater breaks, I’d more than likely wake him up at 2 am, not my mom!)

We called Noah’s other grandma, hubby’s mom, who happened to be awake, and calmly asked us to keep her updated.
Now, most women would start to rush to get to the hospital after their water breaks but not me. I told hubby to slow down a bit because I still had to put my makeup on.
Makeup! Now? Of course. He really wasn’t that surprised because that’s the type of gal I am. I’m hardly ever sans makeup unless I am asleep. If I was going to be meeting my son in a few short hours, I wanted to make sure that I was presentable for our first photo op.
Hubby was more taken aback by my request to stop for a quick breakfast snack on the way to the hospital. I hadn’t eaten since 6 p.m. the previous night and I was so hungry that I asked him to stop at Tim Horton’s which was the only place open at 3 a.m. I ordered a breakfast sandwich which was awful! And in our rush, hubby drove away without his coffee, so back through the drive-thru we went for a second time. This time I ordered a chocolate frosted doughnut—also gross—and only ate half. Nothing tasted good!
We finally got to the hospital at 3:30 am. My water continued to gush out of me while he drove and I soaked my pants and the towels covering the seat. Somehow I had missed that lesson on my water “breaking” and continuously pouring out of me. I was disturbed by this phenomenon and kept telling hubby how repulsed I was at feeling like I was “peeing” on myself without any self-control.
After a very uncomfortable examination in which I told the attending triage doctor that if he dug any deeper in my cavity, he’d end up in China, it was determined that I was indeed going to have Noah and my ob-gyn was called.
The anesthesiologist came in a little while later, sometime around 4:30 a.m.
Anesthesiologist: “Mrs. Roman, when was your last meal?”
Me: “Three.”
Anesthesiologist: “P.M.?”
Me: “A.M.”
Anesthesiologist: “What? You know you’re not supposed to eat before a C-section, right?”
Me: “Yes, but I was hungry and I hadn’t eaten since 6 pm.”
S. and the doctor arrived shortly after and I was wheeled into the delivery room where I was put on a table shaped like a cross. An epidural was given to me in the spine and I was laid out on the table that reminded me of executions seen on crime shows—very bizarre feeling.
Noah let out his first loud cry at 5:58 a.m. and Mommy and Daddy cried instantly. When Noah was finally brought over to me, I sobbed, “That’s my son. That’s my son. Why is he so white?” I was amazed that such a pale little thing could come out of this tawny mommy but his color has since darkened and I’m glad he at least has my almond shaped eyes—and Daddy’s everything else! Just as I anticipated. I carried him for 9 months, survived 11 weeks of bed rest, constant pain, and chemotherapy and he comes out with Daddy’s nose, dimples, and cleft chin!
Noah was born at 36 weeks, weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz., and 19 inches. He was a tiny little thing—still is. The next day he went down to 5 lbs and 10 oz. All his newborn clothes are big on him because he’s a little preemie.
Here are some pics to enjoy while I continue to recover from two surgeries (C-section and tubal ligation) and sleep deprivation. My body is completely wrecked and 10 days later I can barely move without pain and hubby’s 24-hour help, but our precious Noah is finally here and what a joy he is.
I cry at least once a day when I look at Noah’s tiny features and marvel at how God makes such perfection so small and at how blessed I am to be a mom which I never imagined was possible. I can’t believe how selfish I was to not want a baby when I now see it is the best way to understand how God loves us! The Lord’s love is unconditional and so is my love for Noah!
I can’t stop looking at him or holding him and I’ve heard I’m going to spoil him—which is utter nonsense since he is only a baby. The truth is he is spoiling me and his daddy. Hubby and I are madly in love with our little miracle and we are filled with unspeakable joy.
Here are some more photos which were taken by the hospital’s photographer, who insisted I also take some photos without my hat. I’m glad he did. Those turned out to be my favorite ones.
It will probably take a while before I can get back to posting—it took forever to do this one! Please continue to keep us in prayer. I’m still not feeling well and I’m still experiencing some physical (and visual) side effects from the last chemotherapy (more about that another time).
Be blessed. In love and Christ,
21 thoughts on “#13 Joy Unspeakable Joy: Noah is Here!”
He’s adorable! You are beautiful! I’m continually praying for you & your new family! Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures.
Thank you, Anna. Noah and I have a special place in our heart for you, my sister.
Love you!
Beautiful! Are you sure you’re not related to Rev. D? She went in for a D&C with full make-up and red lips. First question she asked when she woke up from anesthesia was “Is my lipstick still on? You have a beautiful family and are an inspiration!
LOL. I didn’t know Rev. D and I were two peas in a pod of makeup! Love and miss you, Nina!
Love it, love it, love it….your trip to the hospital sounds like an episode of ” I love Lucy”.. He is perfect ..Blessings to your new little family
Ha, ha, ha. Thank you, Carmen. It’s good to find humor in everything!
God’s blessings to you and your family, as well!
What beautiful family. The light shines through you all. Noah is an angel from GOD your FATHER.
The LORD bless you and keep you, the LORD make HIS face shine on you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift HIS countenance on you, and give you peace. The peace that passes all understanding.
What a beautiful family. Noah is an Angel from GOD your FATHER.
The LORD bless you , and keep you. The LORD make HIS FACE shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The LORD lift up HIS countenance on you and give you peace. The peace that passes all understanding.
Baruch Hashem, Lois. God is good! We are so blessed.
Shalom, my sister. Love, Liz
Thank you, Lois. I receive your prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
You all look very happy and baby Noah is a beautiful little bundle of joy!I’m extremely happy for you both and am continuing to pray for you all!God bless!
Thank you, Marion. We are blessed to have such saints like yourself praying for us!
You are a true inspiration ❤️ Noah is so adorable .. the pictures are priceless ❤️❌⭕️
Thank you, Nadine. I’m overjoyed with this gift from God!
Baruch Hashem, Lois. God is good! We are so blessed.
Shalom, my sister.
Liz your pics are precious. Thank you for sharing. We continue to pray for you and your new family.
We love Noah !!❤️ He’s a blessing. !!
Love you ,
Thank you for your consistent prayers, my sister. We are truly blessed with your friendship! Love you! God bless!
So in love ?❤️
God bless your family! I love you all ?
Thank you, my sister. We love you too! God bless you and your family!
So happy for you guys! God’s love is present in every word, and picture you post. Pray for you guys often and will continue asking God to watch over you.
Thank you so much, Carol. We are so in love with our blessing. I can’t put him down. He’s always in my arms, even now as I type! All our love and gratitude! Liz
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