I’m busy working on my presentation for next week but wanted to upload my last chemotherapy video, which is way at the bottom. But first, a post on all the fun I’m having acquiring new wigs. I’m up to five wigs, now.
Below is my new curly wig. It resembles me most. But it was too long for me, reaching past my waist, which you can see in the picture to the left where I am wearing a blue hat. I went ahead and cut three inches off of it on my own (picture on the right) so that it wouldn’t get in Noah’s face. But it was still too long, so I went to visit my talented friend Tiffany who cut it for me.
Below is how it looked after Tiffany cut it, washed it, and set it with curly hair product. It’s much more manageable now and reminds me of my “real” hair, length and all. I’m saving this wig for those days when I’m out and about running errands and not carrying Noah in my arms.

Here is my third wig. I call this one my “pulp fiction” wig. It’s smooth, shiny, and black like the one Uma Thurman wore in the movie by the same name. My cousin D. gave it that name. I got it last Friday when hubby and I visited the American Cancer Society’s salon. It was given to me for free but it looks nothing like the “real” me. I wanted a curly wig but, of course, they had none. What is it with these wig places not having curly wigs? It’s clearly hair-ism! I need to complain to someone but not sure who. Perhaps, I will write a letter to the society pleading the case for all curly haired cancer patients.

And here is the fourth wig in my growing collection. Now, this wig is also straight but it doesn’t have as much volume and it’s a chocolatey brown with choppy bangs. I liked the bangs so much I had Tiffany cut the bangs on the “pulp fiction” one the same way.

This one was “acquired” at a “Look Good, Feel Good” event, which is a fun public service support sponsored by the American Cancer Society to help women deal with the side effects of cancer.

At the event, a licensed cosmetologist teaches women skin care and makeup application tips to help them hide or correct the ravages of chemotherapy, i.e. eyebrow and eyelash loss, dry skin, dark spots, etc.
The best part is that they give each attendee a bag filled with free makeup–the expensive kind like Estée Lauder, Mary Kay, and “It” Cosmetics.
While I was learning makeup application, I was also enjoying the company of three other women who are also going through chemotherapy. One woman even shared the same oncologist as me. The camaraderie of the small group was fun and I even made a new friend.

So here is a funny story about the “Chocolate” wig. The sweet woman conducting the “look good” event, Bea, gave everyone a hat or a scarf to wear during our dress-up. Hence, my Hamptons hat, which Bea combed and placed on my bald head. At first, I didn’t even like the wig. But it grew on me. When Bea mentioned that all the hats were donated for the event, well, I assumed the wig was free too! I liked the hat more than the wig but it was the hat the made the wig look better. FYI, none of the others tried on wigs, which would have helped me realize I needed to give the wig back. Oy, vey!
So, here I am innocently saying goodbye to my new friend and walking out with Bea’s wig!!! When we get outside to the parking lot, Bea tells me in her most nonchalant voice, “Oh, and you can keep the wig.”
WHAT?! Keep the wig? You mean the one I assumed was free! How embarrassing!
I tried to explain the misunderstanding but did a terrible job. I said something about how I had “accidentally” assumed the wig was free and was not trying to steal it and how she could have it back but Bea assured me it was okay to keep it. She said it looked good on me. I didn’t know what to say! Oh, my.
Honestly, you know I would never steal anything! Bea was super nice and gave us good information about how we should not using face creams with Retinol during chemo (good to know) and how “rocking” eyeliner back and forth into the lash line would draw less attention to its bareness. (Yes, I took some notes in my notepad about various kinds of makeup companies that are better for skin during chemo).
When I got home, I felt terrible so I looked Bea up on her facebook page and messaged her to apologize again. Bea didn’t want the wig back. She told me to “wear it in good health.” That was very sweet of her. I looked through her photos and she does amazing work! To all my Staten Islander readers, please check out Bea on her Instagram and Facebook: “Bea Beautiful.” She is the gorgeous blond woman who appears ageless and is in the picture with the former Miss America. Thank you, again, Lord, for kind women like Bea.
And finally, my fifth wig, the “October” Breast Cancer wig which belongs to my sweet friend and sister in the Lord, Tiffany. Tiffany is like a little sister to me. She gave me “Pinkie” for the breast cancer event next week and it is perfect for my presentation. Thank you, Tiffany.
Tiffany also did my nails. She covered those awful purple striations that come from chemotherapy.

And finally, my last chemo video. Sorry that the camera is too close to my face. And again, I keep them short now because the place is always busy and I get interrupted a lot.
Hope to see some of you next Thursday at the event at St. John’s University. If you are planning to go, please email me and I will send you specific instructions about parking.
Click here for info. on the event.
Let me pray before I go…
Father God, I worship you and praise you for all you do in the good times and bad. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for blessing me with these gifts and with the camaraderie of women enduring the same battle. Lord, bless them and heal them. Thank you also for those many friends and acquaintances who make me feel better during this valley. I pray you multiply their blessings, in Jesus’ name.
In Love and Christ,
Click here to see the video from your email.
7 thoughts on “#22 Chemo #11 Video and “Fun with New Wigs!””
So glad you posted. I shared it on Abiding Branch Care Ministries <3
That’s great, Ellie! Thanks for your support in the cancer community with Abiding Branch Care Ministries.
God bless You! See you Thursday, Liz
God bless you honey. so happy that you are doing so well and you look beautiful. praying for you
Thank you, Dottie. Prayers are appreciated most. God is good! Miss you!
I love you. God bless
Love ya back, girl. Hope to see you soon.
Hugs from me and Noah!
Hi,beautiful and victorious woman of God!I started reading this blogger you first posted it but I’m just getting back to finish it nj oe!As I said before,you inspire me greatly about how when we’re going through a storm,we must hold on to God more than ever!I will be reaching out soon!Continue to be strong while in your valley!Love you and praying for you!
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