
#29 Post-Surgery Treatment Begins!

I really have so much to say but I just want to send this quick post to you while I take some more time to write the next one.  There is a short video at the end.


Thank you again for your continued prayers. While I am certainly stronger, I am still not able to go back home and take care of my beautiful baby boy on my own, yet!  It turns out recovery from surgery is much slower than I ever imagined.  I’ve started to hold and carry Noah but only for a minute or two at a time because he is a chunky 16-pound little monkey that squirms around, too much.  But, oh, what a joy he is to me.  He is medicine and motivation for my healing.

Medieval Metal BraThough my implants are small (C cup) they are heavy.  I can’t lay horizontally in bed because it is too hard to sit up without pain.  And though I wake up with a bit more energy and do a bit more to help my mom with my precious son, by afternoon, I am in pain and feeling like I’m wearing a medieval metal bra that I desperately wish I could remove.


Alas, God is Good!  He is awesome!  He is doing so much during this time!  He is healing hurt.  He is turning me around.  He is drawing me nearer than ever before.


So, without further ado, here is a short video of my first post-surgery treatment with Herceptin.  An antibody infusion that I will get until September 2018.  It is administered at the chemo center, by a chemo nurse, in the same manner as chemotherapy–through my port–but it is used to prevent the recurrence and metastasis (spread) of breast cancer.


Long-term results show that one year of Herceptin is the best kind of prevention for lowering the recurrence of HER2-Positive breast cancer–which is my diagnosis.  However, nothing is without side effects and Herceptin can damage the heart, which is why I get echocardiograms every month or so.  I started it while I was doing chemo and had to stop for a bit.


But don’t worry, as I am not worried.  I am a child of God and the property of Jesus Christ.  He holds my world in His hands and has great plans for me!


Click here for video 

God bless you all!

In love and Christ,


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14 thoughts on “#29 Post-Surgery Treatment Begins!

  1. Your amazing! Love the way you give out beautiful words of encouragement while your going through this. God bless you abundantly. Xoxoxo.

    1. Thank you so much, Ellie. I pray that Lord reaches many for His kingdom and His glory.
      Hugs to you!

  2. You are such an awesome inspiration ♥️
    God Bless You Liz !
    The joy of The Lord IS YOUR STRENGTH ♥️♥️♥️♥️


    1. You are super sweet, Carol. Thank you for your continued prayers. They are certainly working! All our love to you!

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